
Reflections on Programming Independent U.S. Documentaries for a Cuban Film Festival

The XX Santiago Álvarez Documentary Film Festival in Santiago de Cuba from March 3 - 8, 2023 would be dedicated to the Independent Documentary of the United States (each year the festival is dedicated to the filmmakers of a specific country)! What? A Cuban film festival honoring the filmmakers from the very country that has tried to strangle the island nation with a devastating economic blockade for the last 64 years? What a great idea, I thought.

Detroit 48202 at InLight Film Festival

Detroit 48202 is a powerfully crafted and visually compelling homage to black life, resilience, and the project of world-making from the optic and lived experience of a laboring Detroit mailman,” said Professor Michael T. Martin, former Director of The Black Film Center and Archive, after seeing Detroit 48202 at the InLight Film Festival at Indiana University in April 2022.


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