Making the Impossible Possible - an important new film!

Grito Productions is thrilled to recognize the completion of MAKING THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE, directed and produced by Tami Gold and Grito's own Pam Sporn.

This compelling documentary tells the story of the student led struggle to win Puerto Rican Studies at Brooklyn College, CUNY, in the late 1960’s. Puerto Rican, African American and other progressive students and faculty forged a powerful alliance and together changed the face of higher education with the founding of one of the first Puerto Rican Studies departments in the nation. Musical contributions by Grammy Award Winning Arturo O'Farrill and Oscar Hernández make the story swing.

Making the Impossible Possible is a production of APREE - the Alliance for Puerto Rican Education and Empowerment and will be distributed to the educational market by Third World Newsreel.

It was an honor to work with producer Gisely Colón López and talented editor Sonia González-Martínez. 

¡Felicidades Team!